If you have a family, you have many responsibilities.
You have a responsibility to help them celebrate promotions, birthdays, and holidays.
You have a responsibility to sit with them during their bad days, their breakups, their failures, and their grief.
You have a responsibility to listen and understand, even if you have no clue what they’re trying to say.
You have a responsibility to own up when you mess up and to forgive when they mess up.

And you wouldn’t trade those responsibilities for the world. In fact, they feel more like honors and privileges than burdens.
If you’re the breadwinner for your family, you have another responsibility and honor—to provide for them as best as you can.
It’s how you give them the big things, the little things, and everything in between.
But one tragic consequence of passing away is that you can no longer provide those things. You’re not there to help celebrate, to comfort, to listen, to forgive. In those ways, you’re truly irreplaceable.
That’s why many families choose life insurance. It’s an opportunity to provide for the ones they love.
The payout from life insurance, called a death benefit, gives their family cash that replaces the lost income. The family faces a long emotional journey of grief and healing.
But they’re protected from a traumatic financial catastrophe.
In other words, life insurance gives you the power to fulfill one of your primary duties—provide for your family. And that’s one of the greatest gifts you can give.